Anyone have an opinion as to the direction OS X will take Mac gaming, especially 3D gaming? I understand that Carmak is behind OS X, but will he write multi-threaded games or will he simply carbonize an app and let the OS run on one G4 and the game on the other, thus not really giving the P4 much of a run for the money (key word, MONEY).
Also will we get some good optimized drivers from Nvidia and ATI soon after OS X is released or will we need to wait 6 months longer to use the capabilities of our OpenGL acceleration and effects? I ask any and all to give their informed as well as un informed opinions. Well, the way I see it, there is great potential to spank PC's in games on the MAC, it depends on a few things. Will Games simply be ported from PC code to mac, or will they be written from the ground up for MAC? We need Altivec support, we need multiprocessing support (and not in the form of Unix multi tasking, but rather multi-threading). We also need games to take better advantage of the latest advancements in 3D cards found in Radion and Gforce that are not found in current games. I hear Carmak may begin to do just that, writing in native OS X cocca and possibly porting to PC form there.
All that said, we also need people to quit whining when a game requires more than 32Meg to run. Lately I found some guy on another board raising hell that OS X needed more than his 64Meg to run. For pete's sake people, you can buy 64 Meg of ram for less than the price of a pizza and beer!
Loompaland's Sacred Cocoa Bean (from the 2005 movie 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'). Tarakudo's Oni Mask (from 'Jackie Chan Adventures' season 4) 47. Evil Black Jewel's Powdered Remains (from Wario World). Super Macho Man's KO'd Gold Tooth (from the Wii version of 'Punch-Out!!' Eglantine Price's Transporting Bedknob (from.
I got 1 Gig for $580!!! That used to cost more than $2000 only a year ago!
Powerful games require powerful computers. Enough of my rant. How are Macs going to be better at games than a pc then? What's wrong with PC games at the moment? Massively multiplayer, Hi res, millions of colours running at 60fps. What are Macs going to do to improve on that then? Don't get me wrong, there's no reason Macs can't match PCs but I see nothing in MacOS X that's going to make games developers go 'Ahhh!
Now that MAc OS X is out we can do this!' What we'll end up with is some original software which may or may not be any good, and a load of PC ports. This is fine by me and I guess most other Macsters who primarily use their macs for something other than games but who want decent games too but can't or won't by a PC as a second (rate!) computer.